All media enquiries related to NAViGO, staff members and service users should be directed to our communications team.

The team are also responsible for producing internal and external publications, maintaining the website and social media feeds, and promoting NAViGO and its services across North East Lincolnshire and beyond.

All media enquiries should be directed to the communications team.

Send an email to and a member of the team will respond as soon as possible.

Liking, retweeting, sharing and subscribing - everyone seems to be on social media these days!

You can follow us on your platform of choice to keep up with all the latest from around NAViGO.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube

Of course - we love it when people spread the word about our services!

You can download, save and print a number of resources from this page or search our document library.

Samaritans' Media Guidelines for Reporting Suicide: These guidelines are a vital resource for both journalists and the general public on how to cover suicide.

Beat Eating Disorders Media Guidelines: Beat have pulled together guidance on how to report on, and use imagery to illustrate, eating disorders.