NAViGO’s community mental health services have come out top when compared to NHS trusts throughout England, performing ‘much better than expected’.
That’s according to the results for the national Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) 2022 Community Mental Health Survey.
It is the fourth year in a row that we have been rated highly, with six areas identified as performing significantly better than last year.
While our results have further improved, the CQC report showed that overall the national picture was of deteriorating and poor experiences.
NAViGO deputy chief executive Mike Reeve said: “These results – which put us at the top – reflect the hard work, commitment and dedication of our staff in what continues to be a tremendously difficult time for the NHS and the wider population.
“It’s really important to us to understand what the people using our services are experiencing and it’s great to have recognition of what we are getting right.
“We’ve built on the success of last year’s results, performing significantly better in several areas, but we know we can still improve further as we strive to continue delivering high-quality care, support and opportunities to the people of North East Lincolnshire.”
The report summarises the experiences of over 13,000 people who used NHS community mental health services between September and November 2021 with regards to how their care and treatment was organised, planned and reviewed, as well as crisis care, support and wellbeing plus overall evaluations.
The proportion of our service users who responded to the survey answering positively to questions about their care was significantly above the average of other trusts.
The survey of people who use community mental health services has been conducted annually since 2004.